6. Regular expressions

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.


6.1. Basic orientation

Regular expressions are a powerful tool to slice and dice text, extract parts of it, replace them etc. They’re also another language of their own, completely separate from Python and fairly terse, which comes with a steep learning curve for anything but the most trivial tasks. And it doesn’t help that you basically have to embed your regular expression “programs” inside Python programs, writing them inside Python strings, which means you have no syntax highlighting to help you and introduces some additional gotchas we’ll cover below.

Long story short, regular expressions are powerful but not exactly easy. If you don’t know them already, I would suggest not trying to learning them at the same time that you’re trying to get to grips with Python. Just skim this chapter to have a rough idea of what’s possible, and come back to it once you’re more comfortable with Python and have some free cognitive capacity for another challenge. A good introductory text on regular expressions in the context of Python is the official Regular Expression HOWTO.

If on the other hand you already have some background in regular expressions, this chapter will try to give you the key information on how to use them effectively in Python. Unlike in Perl or Ruby, regular expressions in Python aren’t built into the language, they have no special syntax – they’re implemented as plain libraries. There are currently two popular choices:

  • the re module, which is part of the standard library and so it’s always available without needing to install anything

  • the regex module, which you need to install separately, but it has more features, better Unicode support, etc.

I personally recommend using regex and renaming it to re when importing, because this is a) shorter and b) it makes it easy to switch your code to using the re library if regex is not available. You can do that because regex exposes the same API (Application Programming Interface) as re. Basically, this means that using both regex and re “looks the same” – the function names are the same, they accept the same parameters, etc.

import regex as re

Since the API is the same, the regex module does not have its own extensive documentation – the idea is that you will refer to the documentation of the re module for general information on how to use regular expressions in Python, and only look at the documentation of the regex module when you need to learn about the specifics of some additional feature.

6.2. Quick overview of regex syntax

A quick overview of regular expression syntax accepted by the regex library, borrowed from chapter 3 of the NLTK Book and extended:




Wildcard, matches any character

\w   \W

Matches any (non-)word character (careful, the computer’s idea about what a word character is might be different from yours)

\d   \D

Matches any (non-)digit character

\s   \S

Matches any (non-)space character


Matches any character with Unicode property …


Matches any character without Unicode property …


Matches a Unicode extended grapheme cluster (cf. end of chapter)


Matches some pattern abc at the start of a string (or line, if the multiline flag is enabled)


Matches some pattern abc at the end of a string (or line, if the multiline flag is enabled)


Matches some pattern abc surrounded by word boundaries


Matches some pattern abc not surrounded by word boundaries


Matches one of a set of characters


Matches any character which is NOT in the set


Matches one of a range of characters


Matches one of the specified strings (disjunction)


Zero or more of previous item, e.g. a*, [a-z]* (also known as Kleene Closure); greedy (match as many as possible)


The same as *, but non-greedy (match as few as possible)


One or more of previous item, e.g. a+, [a-z]+; greedy


The same as + but non-greedy


Zero or one of the previous item (i.e. optional), e.g. a?, [a-z]?


Exactly n repeats where n is a non-negative integer


At least n repeats


No more than n repeats


At least m and no more than n repeats


Parentheses indicate the scope of the operators and capture the corresponding groups of characters, which are then accessible accessible with the match.group() or match.groups() method, or with a backreference: \1, \2 etc., depending on the order of the groups


Non-capturing version of the parentheses

6.3. Interactive exercises

The following cell defines a function for creating interactive widgets in which you can play around with regular expressions. Don’t worry, you are not expected to understand this code, but if you’re curious, you can poke around and use it to implement your own interactive widgets inside Jupyter notebooks.

import IPython.core.display as ipd
import ipywidgets as ipw

def findall(dotall=False, multiline=False, ignorecase=False, only_first=False, regex="", string=""):
    flags = 0
    if dotall:
        flags |= re.DOTALL
    if multiline:
        flags |= re.MULTILINE
    if ignorecase:
        flags |= re.IGNORECASE
    start = '<span style="background-color: gold">'
    end = "</span>"
    offset_bump = len(start) + len(end)
    offset = 0
    html = string
    matches = []
    if regex:
            for m in re.finditer(regex, string, flags):
                span = m.span()
                sstart, send = span[0] + offset, span[1] + offset
                html = html[:sstart] + start + html[sstart:send] + end + html[send:]
                offset += offset_bump
                if only_first:
    ipd.display(ipd.HTML("<p>REGEX: <strong>" + regex + "</strong></p><p><pre>" + html + "</pre></p>"))
    return matches

def interactive_findall(string):
    ipw.interact(findall, string=ipw.fixed(string))

Let’s define a few strings to play around with using regular expressions:

MARY = """Mary had a little lamb.
And everywhere that Mary
went, the lamb was sure
to go."""

SPECIAL = "Special characters must be escaped in order to be matched literally.*"

PETS = "The pet store sold cats, dogs, and birds."

FIRST = "=first first= # =second second= # =first= # =second="

QUANT1 = """Match with zero in the middle: @@
Subexpresion occurs, but...: @=#=ABC@
Lots of occurrences: @=#==#==#==#==#=@
Must repeat entire pattern: @=#==#=#==#=@"""


QUANT3 = """aaaaa bbbbb ccccc
aaa bbb ccc
aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccc"""

BACK = """jkl abc xyz
jkl xyz abc
jkl abc abc
jkl xyz xyz"""

LAZY = """-- I want to match the words that start
-- with 'th' and end with 's'.
this line matches too much

Evaluate the following cells and use the widgets to highlight parts of the string using regular expressions. Suggestions for regular expressions to try out are listed in the comments for each cell.

NOTE: These interactive widgets do not work in the static version of the book hosted at https://v4py.github.io, you need to run the notebook in JupyterLab to use them. If you don’t see an interactive widget after evaluating the cells below, you probably don’t have the JupyterLab widgets extension installed. At the time of writing, this is done via the following command:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

Alternatively, you can check out the ipywidgets installation instructions.

#   .a
#   [a-z]a
#   .*
#   \.\*
#   cat|dog|bird
#   =first|second=
#   =(first|second)=
#   @(=#=)*@
#   A+B*C?D
#   a{,4}
#   (abc|xyz) \1
#   \bth\p{Alphabetic}*s\b

\p{Alphabetic} is the most inclusive way to express the concept of “something like a letter” within Unicode. \p{Letter} exists as well, but it’s a less comprehensive category. For a good overview of Unicode character properties and categories in the context of regular expressions, see here.

6.4. Using regular expressions in Python

We’ve mentioned that writing regular expressions is like writing little programs in a different programming language inside Python strings, and that one of the drawbacks is that you don’t get syntax highlighting to help you. The other drawback is that by default, Python doesn’t take string literals… literally, but replaces escape sequences starting with a backslash with something else. This is a cool feature when you’re trying to put a tab or newline inside a string, or some Unicode character that you can’t directly type on your keyboard but happen to know its codepoint value or name.

a	b

It’s emphatically not a cool feature if what you’re trying to do is write a regular expression inside that string which relies on all those backslashes and curly braces staying where you put them, and Python steals them from under you. And as you’ve seen above, regular expression syntax tends to use backslashes and curly braces a lot.

Fortunately, Python has a feature called raw string literals. These are string literals prefixed with a r, and what that does is turn all of these magic escape sequencs off. Which makes writing regular expressions a whole lot easier.


So rule number 1 of regular expressions in Python: always write regular expressions inside raw strings, even if it’s something as innocuous as r".*", which doesn’t even contain a backslash. A classic thing with regular expressions is that they grow more complex over time as edge cases are discovered and those backslashes worm their way in there. When that happens, you’ll thank me that your regex string already is a raw string and your code still works instead of breaking in unexpected and hard to debug ways.

With that out of the way, let’s explore the Python regular expression API. As mentioned previously, we’ll be using the external regex library, but the API is the same as the standard library re module, so that’s where you should look for further information.

import regex as re

The match() function matches a regular expression at the beginning of a string, and returns a Match object if a match is found, otherwise None.

re.match(r"foo", "foo bar baz")
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='foo'>

The result of match() can be used in conditionals – Match objects are truthy and None is falsey, so everything works as expected.

if re.match(r"foo", "foo bar baz"):
    print("It matches!")
It matches!
if re.match(r"qux", "foo bar baz"):
    print("It matches!")

The Match object’s attributes allow you to explore the specifics of the match.

m = re.match(r"foo", "foo bar baz")
s = "foo bar baz"

If the regular expressions contains capturing groups, their captured values can be accessed via the .group() method.

m = re.match(r"(f)o(o)", "foo bar baz")
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 3), match='foo'>
('f', 'o')
(0, 3)

The fullmatch() function requires that the provided regular expression pattern matches the entire string – it’s stricter than just match.

re.fullmatch(r"foo", "foo bar baz")
re.fullmatch(r"foo.*", "foo bar baz")
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 11), match='foo bar baz'>

Conversely, the search() function is more lenient – it searches for a match anywhere within the string.

re.match(r"bar", "foo bar baz")
re.search(r"bar", "foo bar baz")
<regex.Match object; span=(4, 7), match='bar'>

findall() finds all matches and returns a list of the matching substrings.

re.findall(r"foo", "foo bar baz foo")
['foo', 'foo']

If there are potentially many matches, or if you need to do some more fancy stuff which involves manipulating Match objects, you should consider using finditer() instead, which returns an iterator over Match objects. This avoids building a list of all the matches and storing all of it at once in memory.

re.finditer(r"s.", "My father likes cars.")
<_regex.Scanner at 0x24aa550>
for m in re.finditer(r"s.", "My father likes cars."):
<regex.Match object; span=(14, 16), match='s '>
<regex.Match object; span=(19, 21), match='s.'>
for m in re.finditer(r"s.", "My father likes cars."):
(14, 16)
(19, 21)

The sub() function performs substitutions.

re.sub(r"cat|like", r"dog", "I like cats and categories.")
'I dog dogs and dogegories.'

By default, all occurrences are substituted, but you can change this via the count= parameter.

re.sub(r"cat|like", r"dog", "I like cats and categories.", count=1)
'I dog cats and categories.'

Note that the substitution string (the second argument) is also a regular expression pattern, it can contain backreferences to matched capture groups. The syntax for backreferences involves – you guessed it – backslashes, so you should make that second argument a raw string too, for good measure.

    "I like cats and categories"
'I doglike dogcats and dogcategories'

The way matching is performed can by modified by passing flags. These are documented here. We may e.g. want to ignore case differences.

re.match(r"a.", "ASDF")

One would expect that the way to do this would be by passing an ignore_case= argument. Unfortunately, the API for this is somewhat clunky for historical reasons, it’s inspired by more low-level languages than Python, so instead, you have to pass the special re.IGNORECASE value to the flags= argument.

re.match(r"a.", "ASDF", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='AS'>

Where this gets especially weird is when you need to combine multiple flags – it’s done via |, the bitwise or operator.

re.match(r"a.", "A\nDF", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL
<regex.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='A\n'>

This works because re.IGNORECASE and re.DOTALL are actually numbers whose binary representation is all zeros except one 1 in one place, different for each flag. By looking at where that 1 is, the regex module can figure out which flag has been set.

print(f"{re.IGNORECASE:08b}  IGNORECASE")
print(f"{re.DOTALL:08b}  DOTALL")
00000010  IGNORECASE
00010000  DOTALL

Doing a bitwise or with | combines the 1’s from both numbers.

combined = re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL
# the part after : is a format specifier -- 08 says to left-pad with
# 0's to a total width of 8 characters, b says to print the number in
# binary; find out more about format specifiers at https://pyformat.info/
print(f"  {re.IGNORECASE:08b}  IGNORECASE")
print(f"| {re.DOTALL:08b} DOTALL")
print("-" * 10)
print(f"  {combined:08b}")
  00000010  IGNORECASE
| 00010000 DOTALL

Looking at the bits, it’s immediately clear which two flags we’ve combined. Looking at the decimal representation, if you squint, the bitwise or kind of looks like an addition which prevents the same flag from being added twice.

print(f"  {re.IGNORECASE:2}  IGNORECASE")
print(f"| {re.DOTALL:2}  DOTALL")
print("-" * 4)
print(f"  {re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE:2}")
print(f"  {re.IGNORECASE:2}  IGNORECASE")
print(f"| {re.DOTALL:2}  DOTALL")
print(f"| {re.DOTALL:2}  DOTALL")
print("-" * 4)
print(f'  {re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE:2} (even though DOTALL was "added" twice)')
| 16  DOTALL

| 16  DOTALL
| 16  DOTALL
  18 (even though DOTALL was "added" twice)

This property is a result both of how bitwise or works – it performs an or operation for each pair of bits at the same position in both numbers – and of the fact that the flag numbers are constructed to be all zeros and one 1 in a different position for each flag.


6.5. Identifying graphemes

One super useful use of regular expressions from a linguistic perspective is counting the number of extended grapheme clusters (~ graphemes) in a string.

pronunciation_of_three_in_czech = "tr̝̥i"
['t', 'r', '̝', '̥', 'i']

Diacritics are separate Unicode characters, which doesn’t correspond to our intuitive notion of how many “letters” (graphemes) the string consists of. Regular expressions to the rescue:

re.findall(r"\X", pronunciation_of_three_in_czech)
['t', 'r̝̥', 'i']
len(re.findall(r"\X", pronunciation_of_three_in_czech))

\X is one of those regular expression features that is not available in the standard re module.